Lunch Program
- Grades EC - 8th = $2.55.
- Adults = $4.70
- Extra Milk: Student and Adult = $0.35
Bus Route Schedules
Click on the link below to access information about the bus transportation routes and shuttles. The schedules are being shared for you to view in a Google Drive folder. If you have any difficulty opening the folder or the documents, please contact Jacque Bird.
Keep in mind that Bus Route Lists will be revised when new students register.
Changes in the bus route, bus shuttle, and emergency schedules will automatically appear in the documents you can access using the link below. You can search the documents for the name of the student or the name of a parent.
Also, if you have changed addresses, please contact the school.
Click on the link below.
Double-click on the document you wish to view. Check the year.
Select the Edit tab and select Find and Replace.
Enter the student or parent first or last name in the Find box.
Click on Find. If several people listed have the same name, click Find until the name you are looking for is visible – the spreadsheet cell containing the name should be outlined.
When you no longer need the Find box, click on Done to remove it from the screen.
If you wish to print a schedule, make sure you have selected the driver’s spreadsheet tab.
It is sometimes not safe for our buses to travel on gravel roads. When this is the case, South O’Brien will announce that buses will pick up students on Emergency Routes.
***If emergency bus routes run in the morning, they will also run after school.***
Routes will be posted and distributed before they will be implemented.